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maintaining paradise
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Instead of spending the next $100 million on buildings, what if the City of Eugene spent the money on communities? After all, community organizations often outlast their buildings. If they are viable, they create their own buildings. Saturday Market, the Farmer's Market, even the University of Oregon are examples.

Imagine 1,000 $100,000 grants, for self-sustaining organizations that do what the public wants. What if each latent community in Eugene created their own public center, to serve themselves and to invite people in?

What if you were able to vote on this dispersement of funds? What if you were able to start a project and see if people liked the idea, and would help you to shape it? You can! This tool intends to make this possible.

Projects for Downtown
That can be started for under $100,000.
Register, then rank them according to how successful you feel they will be.
Add your own!
Some criteria:
1) Local groups willing to commit to building a publicly-oriented space.
2) Existing local talent & interest.
3) Clearly self-sustaining.
4) Clear public benefit.
participants: 3
Mutual support

An office that helps all these organizations share resources, stay successful, stay connected with the community, etc.

May 1, 2006 12:13 AM   
Ceramics center

Classes; a community workshop; publicly visible studio space; showcase gallery; dedicated to teaching ceramic arts to a larger audience, and making more local products to replace imported mass-produced ones.

April 28, 2006 9:04 AM   
An Herbal Center

A non-profit extension service & research center, dedicated to accumulating & analyzing the effects of locally grown herbs. It would also be a market space for local farmers selling harvested herbs, seeds, and herbs for planting.

April 28, 2006 11:53 AM   
Filmmaking & videography center

Based loosely on manhattan's DCTV: a place to make public-access television, a place for local filmmakers & videographers to rent equipment, and find collaborators on film projects. Holds showing of locally-made films.

April 28, 2006 9:07 AM   
Photography center

Based loosely on Seattle's Photo Northwest: classes, gallery space, rental equipment. Dedicated to teaching photo skills to a larger public.

April 28, 2006 9:09 AM   
Masquerade center

Dedicated to the making of masks and associated costumes & accessories. Classes in mask-making, workshops, and the organization of masquerades & other celebrations throughout the city.

April 28, 2006 9:11 AM   
Wood-working center

A crafts school for wood-working, but also an organization dedicated to building a local economy for local handcrafted wood products, from sustainable wood sources, replacing mass-produced imports.

April 28, 2006 9:17 AM   
Mushroom center

A home for local mycological societies, an ecological education center for sound mushroom-hunting practices, a trailhead for tours to the forest, and a market specializing in selling locally picked or grown mushrooms.

April 28, 2006 9:14 AM   
Shoemaking Center

Eugene is a potential shoe mecca: the world's oldest shoes sit in the Museum of natural history. The modern running shoe was invented here. Local Tango dancers are studying traditional shoemaking around the world and selling custom shoes locally. The Shoemaking Center would act as workshop/showcase space for local shoemakers. It would be a space for teaching the public the art & craft of making footwear, by local and traveling teachers.

April 28, 2006 12:07 PM   
Rail center

A gathering place for everyone interested in a Rail renaissance -- advocates pushing for a city streetcar system, a local area rail system, or larger projects; amateur or pro engineers & developers who want to build actual track and trains; modellers & hobbyists; existing professionals; alternative transport people. A good location would be somewhere near the actual rail station ... perhaps a long-not-deep building filling a piece of the large gap along 5th, between Steelhead and the Oregon Electric station ...

April 30, 2006 4:13 PM   
Health center

An advocacy organization dedicated to creating healthcare accessible to all.

May 1, 2006 6:39 PM   

A cafe/pub dedicated to constant group political discussion, aimed at unravelling daily propaganda. Produces an amusing daily newspaper, made by the patrons, printed at the printmaking center.

May 1, 2006 6:46 PM   
Printmaking center

Dedicated to traditional hand-printing & papermaking, from local materials.

May 1, 2006 6:49 PM   

The Tango Center
... in downtown Eugene, Oregon
Downtown Eugene
West Broadway is fixing itself, with help from the community.


associated projects
Register, to participate, or to start your own project.
The Tango Center
Eugene Film Festival

Cumbia teaching and social events

Cumbia teaching and social events

What are the priorities for our community?
Create downtown projects that address these needs
participants: 3
A vibrant life

Meaningful work


Support for unique local projects

Healthcare for everyone


Should the city buy the empty buildings, which it now has options on, and organize a group to create community-serving projects within?
participants: 3
Yes, a large body politic should be formed, of citizens willing to help downtown.

Yes, the city council should appoint a committee to look into this further.

No, the city should not get involved


How many?
How many $100,000 projects do you think it will take to revitalize downtown Eugene?
participants: 2




How to start a project on this website
1. Register. Use something like your real name.
2. Login
3. Go to your home page (link on the upper right)
4. Create a project
5. Click on that link (go into the project)
6. Add lists, surveys etc.
7. Make the project public
8. Associate it with another project (for example, Eugene, whose project ID is 15 )
9. Mail your friends, invite them to become members of this site, and send them the link to your project.

Statement of interest
The following organizations declare that they are interested in this initiative, and would like to pursue discussion of creating a public-service center for their activity downtown, if civic funds became available.

  The following have associated themselves with this project:
   'The Tango Center'

  This project has associated with:
   'The Tango Center'

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