Citizens for Public Accountability in association with the Eugene Weekly, Sundance, Kiva, Horsehead, Davis, Helios, Friends of Eugene, The WOW Hall, Fenario Gallery and The Tango Center, invite you to participate in a citizen-initiated process for the revitalization of Downtown Eugene. Over the last thirty years the City of Eugene has made numerous attempts at downtown revitalization with mixed results. Now the citizens of Eugene have an opportunity to launch a new approach to creating a healthy and vibrant downtown. During February and March CPA will host a series of events designed to put citizens in the drivers seat for Downtown revitalization. Mark your calendars! We encourage anyone who is interested in a successful downtown for Eugene to attend these exciting events.
I. Public Forum - You Tell Us!
Tuesday, April 1, 2008, at 7:00 p.m.
Fenario Gallery, 881 Willamette
This forum will provide an opportunity to speak publicly about your concerns, issues, interests and ideas for Downtown, and for you to hear the thoughts of others. During the second half of this event we will provide a format and tools to help you network with people who share your special interests and goals for Downtown. If you have an issue, an initiative or a business proposal you would like to explore you are encouraged to take advantage of this opportunity to join with others, in working groups, to advance your ideas. Please join us after the event for a Downtown Re-Birthday party (featuring The Bad Mitten Orchestre, with no amplification) to celebrate the launching of our work with food and entertainment! |
II. Making Downtown Work
Wednesday, April 9, 2008, at 7:00 p.m.
WOW Hall, 291 West 8th at Lincoln
This event will feature short presentations on urban planning, design, real estate, economics and social dynamics as they relate to the potential of creating a Downtown revival. These speakers are offering their services as resource people for those who want to start a project downtown. Speakers include Resource speakers include Rob Handy, Terry McDonald, Pete Eggspuehler, Mark Gillem, Tom Kamis, Rob Bennett, George Brown, Mike Sullivan and others ... presentations will be complimented by presentations from the leaders of neighborhood groups and organizations in and around downtown about their constituencies' concerns and hopes for Downtown. Following these presentations focus groups and working groups that formed at the previous event will be invited to give short reports on their progress with their inquiry, initiative or project. Additional opportunities to network as well as refreshments will be provided.
III. Project Faire!!!
Saturday, April 26, 2008, 12-5 p.m.
Tango Center, 194 W. Broadway
Please join us in mixing community development, planning, politics and fun at this exciting day-long event in an exhibition-style setting. Focus groups and working groups formed in the previous meetings as well as groups from throughout the community will display their informational resources and project progress in booths, at tables and even in environments. You will be able to review the work while strolling or participating in scheduled tours and presentations. Plenty of Food, entertainment, celebrity appearances and thought-provoking prizes will be on hand. Bring you friends and family along to help envision a healthy and vibrant future for Downtown Eugene.
Musical guests: Conjugal Visitors |
IV. Putting It All Together
Tuesday, April 29, 2008, at 7:00 p.m.
WOW Hall, 291 West 8th at Lincoln
Please don't miss this final event of the series in which you can help everyone who has participated put the projects and initiatives which have been developed on the map. Participants at this event will help identify the geography of potential opportunities and projects for Downtown Eugene and help create priorities for action and investment by the City government. The consolidated information and conclusions arrived at during this event will be presented to the City Council with a request for serious consideration in future revitalization planning for Downtown. Join us afterward for the first annual Downtown Actualization Party, We hope this will become an annual event at which we assess and celebrate the progress that has been made over each year toward our goal of returning Downtown to it natural role as the vital center of social and economic life of our great town, Eugene, Oregon. |

From the first meeting
Meeting notes from the easels at the front (thanks David!):
* Cultural Center-Across from the library (Fill the pit)
* Multi-dimensional-International Cultural Exchange Center
* Museum for contemporary art
* A Diversity of small business—bakery, roller rink, …
* Year-round indoor public market—produce, groceries, office space, …
* Park
* Artist Residency Center
* Purchase properties from Urban Renewal Agency
* Develop a Mixed Use-business, culture project-include part space-focus on sustainable values
* Change Downtown Zoning: Require Multi-story Residential
* Raise taxes for vacant property
* Save Civic Stadium
* End the Urban Renewal District
* Develop Eugene as a Model of a City of Peace
* Chamber of Culture
* Eugene City Hall to encourage Public Participation
* The Teen Center
* Trolley
* West Broadway Arts
* Low-income housing
April 3, 2008 11:27 AM |

From the second meeting
The projects presenting included The Cultural Center/10th & Olive; Network Charter School; West Broadway Arts/The Tango Center; The Farmer's Market; The Teen Center; The Beam Project; and Library Park.
Resource speakers (and their topic) included:
Mike Sullivan (government agencies)
Jean Tate (development / finance)
Pete Eggspuehler (community-oriented development)
Mark Gillem (public parks)
Rob Bennett (scope of development)
Tom Kamis (networking)
George Brown (City funding)
Rob Handy (levels of participation)
St. Vincent de Paul (community development)
Here's the meeting announcement:
II. Making Downtown Work
Wednesday, April 9, 2008, at 7:00 p.m.
WOW Hall, 291 West 8th at Lincoln
This event will feature short presentations on urban planning, design, real estate, economics and social dynamics as they relate to the potential of creating a Downtown revival. These speakers are offering their services as resource people for those who want to start a project downtown. Speakers include Resource speakers include Rob Handy, Terry McDonald, Pete Eggspuehler, Mark Gillem, Tom Kamis, Rob Bennett, George Brown, Mike Sullivan and others ... presentations will be complimented by presentations from the leaders of neighborhood groups and organizations in and around downtown about their constituencies' concerns and hopes for Downtown. Following these presentations focus groups and working groups that formed at the previous event will be invited to give short reports on their progress with their inquiry, initiative or project. Additional opportunities to network as well as refreshments will be provided.
April 13, 2008 11:55 PM |

From the third meeting: The Project Faire
100 people passed through to network and discuss a dozen project presentations on this incredibly sunny day in downtown Eugene.
Announcement of the meeting:
III. Project Faire!!!
Saturday, April 26, 2008, 12-5 p.m.
Tango Center, 194 W. Broadway
Please join us in mixing community development, planning, politics and fun at this exciting day-long event in an exhibition-style setting. Focus groups and working groups formed in the previous meetings as well as groups from throughout the community will display their informational resources and project progress in booths, at tables and even in environments. You will be able to review the work while strolling or participating in scheduled tours and presentations. Plenty of Food, entertainment, celebrity appearances and thought-provoking prizes will be on hand. Bring you friends and family along to help envision a healthy and vibrant future for Downtown Eugene.
Musical guests:
Conjugal Visitors
and The Bad Mitten Orchestre
and Erin Eichenberger
April 28, 2008 1:06 PM |

From the Fourth Meeting
The primary result of this meeting, were the patterns that all the projects had in common. We'll be presenting these patterns on this site in the coming days. But first, from the meeting:
The Qualities:
Diverse. Varied.
Fresh. Innovative.
Full of life.
Full of feeling.
Full of ambience.
Full of character.
Hip & comfortable.
Busy & quiet.
"Parisian" & "Venetian" etc.
Nicely lit.
A place where the following things, can flourish:
Love. Freedom. Prosperity.
Water. Nature.
Community identity.
Education. Tolerance. Equality.
Sex. Food. Work. Art.
Appropriate transport.
Dance. Music. Improvisation.
Good conversation.
Cooperative action.
Purpose. Meaning. Accomplishment.
Religion. Spirituality. Tradition. History.
Clean air.
Good health.
Focus - coherence.
Ecological responsibility.
Climate change awareness.
Carbon neutrality.
The original event announcement:
IV. Putting It All Together
Tuesday, April 29, 2008, at 7:00 p.m.
WOW Hall, 291 West 8th at Lincoln
Please don't miss this final event of the series in which you can help everyone who has participated put the projects and initiatives which have been developed on the map. Participants at this event will help identify the geography of potential opportunities and projects for Downtown Eugene and help create priorities for action and investment by the City government. The consolidated information and conclusions arrived at during this event will be presented to the City Council with a request for serious consideration in future revitalization planning for Downtown. Join us afterward for the first annual Downtown Actualization Party, We hope this will become an annual event at which we assess and celebrate the progress that has been made over each year toward our goal of returning Downtown to it natural role as the vital center of social and economic life of our great town, Eugene, Oregon.
Musical guest:
Wild Hog in the Woods
April 30, 2008 1:30 PM |
Open comments 1. register
2. login
3. click "add"
4. type your comment
5. click "save"
New projects! Tell everyone about your new downtown project, as you announce it at the Downtown Together! meetings:
1. register
2. login
3. click "Add" on this list
4. describe your project
5. click "Save"
6. more instructions to follow soon

The Tango Center
The Tango Center would like to buy the old Public Market building, at 194 W Broadway, which currently houses The Tango Center, The New Zone arts co-op, and ShawMed. We would preserve the current tenants, and add many more small tenants, turning it into a three-area festival marketplace focussed on:
1. social dance
2. local food
3. local arts
We would also restore the original facade, as shown above. We would like to purchase the building as a shareholder corporation, and offer shares to the general public. We would also make small shops facing out towards what are now alleyways, launching market corridors and parks.
April 1, 2008 3:05 PM tango center |
The Cultural Center
You can read preliminary online materials about this project, and comment, at the Eugene Central website.
A project that will bring together the energy of youth, the innovation of local entrepreneurs, the involvement of community local non-profits and schools, and people who wish to live downtown and enjoy a walking lifestyle.
Key ideas: public / non-profit interchange; sustainable urban center; community center; network school; super mixed-use; teen center; veg cafe; arts center; local goods; local clothing; balance; community center with businesses; connection center; interdisciplinary exchange; education; multicultural exchange; youth empowerment / exchange; resource center; network charter school; people's university; multiple facility sharing; interchange; exchange; connection center; synergy center; culture centre. Peace networking cafe.
April 3, 2008 3:56 PM Haley Wilson |
Opportunities One goal of Downtown Together, is to encourage the initiation of projects in the empty spaces current available. A few are pictured below.


The City of Eugene owns this half-block, and has issued a Request For Proposals, due May 30, 2008. Current suggestions include a Library Park on the east side, with a Cultural Center / housing complex on the west side. |



