community projects >  eugene >  The Tango Center  >  Music >  Live Music >  Open-mike milonga > 

 Open-mike milonga
midweek, live-music only
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One night a week at the Tango Center, a milonga, with an Intro lesson, with a live band and a drink & food vendor. Try to make the vendor fees cover the musicians' fee, and take a small cover $5 to cover TC costs.

The notion is that this can be any kind of music -- classic, jazz, rock, ballad, world, etc. It might be more than one band. But it would be only live ...

We would also use this as an 'audition', for local bands that want to experiment playing for Tango, rather than premiering them at the Friday & Saturday events.

Speak freely

Which night?
participants: 1

Advantage: free night at the Tango Center
Disadvantage: the Strand event one-block away may restart
Other nights

Mostly unavailable

Tuesday is taken with the Bailonga
Wednesday there's a milonga the Buzz, although it ends at 10pm
Thursday there's a practica at Studio B, although it ends at 10pm
Friday, Saturday are packed
Sunday's UO crew might like the idea ...?

  This project has associated with:
   'The Tango Center'

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